Aspyn Ovard Divorce Documents

Aspyn Ovard Divorce Documents, Updates, and Public Reaction

Aspyn Ovard divorce documents were handled quietly but there’s still a lot of buzz. Many are still shocked that she filed for divorce on April 1, the same day she announced their third child’s birth.

But what’s in these documents and what’s happening nowadays? Here, you will learn what’s in these papers, why Aspyn decided to divorce, and the public’s reaction.

Aspyn Ovard Divorce Documents Reveal Some Details

Aspyn Ovard, the well-known YouTuber, recently filed for divorce from her husband, Parker Ferris, in Utah. In this state, you can get your divorce papers ready either with a lawyer or by using the Online Court Assistance Program (OCAP).

Here are the main divorce documents Aspyn Ovard had to deal with:

  • Verified Petition for Divorce: This is the big one that kicks off the divorce process. It tells the court why you want a divorce and what you’re asking for, like who gets custody of the kids or how to split your stuff.
  • Vital Statistics Sheet: This form is all about basic marriage information. For example, details about Aspyn, Parker, and their kids.
  • Summons: This document formally notified Parker that Aspyn had initiated the divorce process on April 1st. It also gave him the deadline for how long he has to respond to the divorce filing.
  • Financial Declaration: Aspyn and Parker each need to complete a form that outlines their income, expenses, assets, and debts. This is because the court wants to know all the financial information before deciding anything.
  • Income Verification: Both Aspyn and Parker must provide documents such as tax returns and pay stubs. These documents are necessary to verify the financial information reported. They show how much money each person makes.
  • Proof of Residency: Either Aspyn or Parker was needed to prove they had been living in Utah for at least three months before filing for divorce.
  • Marriage Certificate: Aspyn also submitted the marriage certificate. This document confirmed the legal marriage between her and Parker.
  • Affidavit or Declaration of Jurisdiction and Grounds for Divorce: This paper shows that the court can handle the case and explains why Aspyn wants a divorce.

In addition to these three documents, the one that is now in the news is Stipulation or Consent Signed by the Other Party. Due to this, the divorce proceedings are stopped at the moment. Both Aspyn and Parker are negotiating now.

If both agree on the divorce terms, they will sign the Consent document to make things go smoothly.

Before filing these divorce documents, Aspyn Ovard and Parker need to be notarized. That means they must sign them in front of a notary public. These people can then confirm that your signatures are real.

Aspyn Ovard Divorce Update: What’s Happening Now?

Aspyn Ovard Divorce update

Aspyn Ovard has been in the news lately due to her divorce from Parker Ferris. She filed for divorce on April 1, the same day she announced the birth of their third child.

Recently, new court documents have surfaced, showing that Aspyn Ovard and Parker have decided to pause their divorce proceedings. According to these documents, they are focusing on reaching a settlement. They want to agree on terms instead of moving forward with the court case.

On April 17, a judge in Salt Lake County agreed to stay the case. This means the divorce is officially on hold while Aspyn and Parker negotiate the terms of their settlement. Neither Aspyn nor Parker have publicly commented on the status of their relationship.

In the meantime, both are enjoying their time with their kids. Aspyn recently posted a video of a family outing to the soda shop Swig. In this video, Parker and the kids were seen having a great time.

Another TikTok video showed Parker has started filming content again. He might return to her YouTube channel soon.

Aspyn and Parker are now co-parenting, even though they are also fighting a legal battle.

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Reasons Why Aspyn and Parker Divorce

Aspyn Ovard decided to divorce Parker Ferris due to personal differences and challenges in their relationship. According to media outlets, the couple struggled with communication.

Personal Differences

The biggest reason Aspyn Ovard and Parker chose to divorce is that they have a lot of personal differences. Some media houses reported that these differences grew over time.

Aspyn and Parker got married pretty young, in 2015, when she was 19 and he was 20. As they got older, their priorities changed. Aspyn’s career as a social media influencer took off, and it wasn’t easy to balance her work and personal life.

Communication Issues

One of the main reasons for their split was ongoing communication problems. Talking and understanding each other is super important in any relationship, and Aspyn and Parker struggled with this.

Sources claim that they had a lot of misunderstandings and disagreements. This communication breakdown made it hard for them to resolve their issues.

Cove Ovard Cancer

Aspyn Ovard’s daughter, Cove, was diagnosed with a serious childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. Aspyn shared this tough news with her fans in 2021.

Cove went through different treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. These were really hard on her and mentally drained her.

Thankfully, Cove has finished her treatments. Right now, she is in remission (meaning her cancer is currently not active). 

Public vs. Private Life

Living in the spotlight puts a lot of pressure on their relationship. They shared so much of their lives on YouTube and social media. Therefore, their personal problems were often out in the open.

Here’s an example. On September 23, 2023, Aspyn uploaded a video, “Life changes sometimes.” In it, she talked about her mental health. She discusses how she tackled seasonal depression with regular meditation and exercise.

Moreover, Aspyn also likes to keep fans updated about her life. On May 13, she posted a video “Life update.” In the video, Aspyn Ovard talks to her viewers during a car ride. She starts by ordering her favorite drink, Mint Majesty tea with honey, and a banana walnut loaf at Starbucks.

Aspyn explained she didn’t plan to film today but wanted to chat with her viewers. She’s decided to show her children less on social media to give them more privacy as they get older. This decision makes it hard for her to film her everyday life without showing her kids.

She also talks about possibly taking a break from social media this year, although she hasn’t decided when.

Now, Aspyn Ovard has over two million subscribers on her YouTube channel alone. This constant attention made it hard for them to deal with their issues privately.

Divorces can happen for many reasons. For another couple in the public eye, find out why Moon and Tiko split up in Moon and Tiko: Why They Divorced – Top 3 Reasons.

Public Reaction to Aspyn Ovard Divorce Filing

The public reacted with shock and sadness to Aspyn Ovard’s divorce filing. Fans expressed their support for her and Parker Ferris. The couple’s followers were deeply invested in their story.

Shock and Surprise

When Aspyn Ovard announced her divorce, many fans were taken by surprise. The timing was strange. She broke the news right after the birth of the third child.

Fans had always seen Aspyn and Parker as a happy couple.

“I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news,” said Sarah, a longtime follower. “It felt so sudden, especially with a new baby in the picture.”

Messages of Support

Alongside the shock, there was an outpouring of support for both Aspyn and Parker.

“Stay strong, Aspyn! We’re here for you,” wrote Chloe on Instagram. Many fans hope they both find happiness and peace, no matter their relationship status.

Speculation and Rumors

The divorce filing also led to a lot of speculation and rumors. People wondered about the reasons behind the split and what might happen next.

“I hope they’re both okay. I wonder what really happened with Aspyn,” commented Jake on X (Twitter).

Hope for Reconciliation

Despite the news, many fans hoped for a reconciliation. They recalled the couple’s happy moments and believed they could work things out.

“I hope they can find a way to stay together,” said Laura, another follower.

Impact of Divorce on Aspyn Ovard’s Career

Impact of Divorce on Aspyn Ovard's Career

Aspyn Ovard’s divorce from Parker Ferris has brought changes to her career. I think her content has become more personal since the divorce. She shares her experiences as a single mom and talks about her feelings.

Fans appreciate this realness and many feel more connected to her now.

Brand Collaborations

Aspyn continues to work with brands. She focuses on collaborations that fit her new life as a single mom. She recently promoted Dwellify, a Home Remodeling company.

Brands also value her authenticity and strong connection with her audience.

Future Prospects

Despite the divorce, Aspyn’s future looks bright. She is growing her brand and exploring new content ideas.

Aspyn Ovard’s age is 28 only, which means she has a lot to do. Her fans are also excited to see what she does next.

Divorce news can often be unexpected, just like Alexandra Kay’s. Discover what shocked her fans in Alexandra Kay Divorce: The Shocking Details Revealed.

Aspyn Ovard and Parker Ferris Relationship Timeline

Aug 2015Got engaged
Oct 2015Got married on October 23. Their wedding was celebrated in a beautiful outdoor ceremony in Utah.
2019The couple welcomed their first child, a daughter named Cove, in August.
2020Their second daughter, Lola, was born.
2023Aspyn filed for divorce from Parker in April

Aspyn Ovard and Parker Ferris met in elementary school but started dating in high school. Their relationship became well-known as they shared their lives on YouTube with personal vlogs and updates.

Both got engaged in August 2015 and married in October of the same year. They shared a special vlog about it, in which they talked about their emotions. They chose a simple, elegant theme for the wedding. Aspyn said she found the perfect mesh gown online and wore it on the wedding day.

The births of their children in 2019 and 2020 brought them joy.

Despite these happy moments, the couple faced challenges. In 2023, Aspyn filed for divorce. They talked openly about their journey and difficulties during this time as well.


Let’s recap:

  • On April 1, Aspyn Ovard filed for divorce and announced her third child’s birth.
  • Essential documents include the Verified Petition for Divorce and Vital Statistics Sheet.
  • The divorce process in Utah requires notarized documents.
  • Aspyn’s content has become more personal and she focuses on her life as a single mom.

All in all, it’s safe to say that Aspyn Ovard’s journey through her divorce is both challenging and inspiring.

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