homeschooling picker kayla divorce

Homeschooling Picker Kayla Divorce and New Relationship

Homeschooling Picker Kayla divorce is now a topic of gossip. It’s true that she and Jonathan decided to part ways due to irreconcilable differences. However, the details Kayla has shared with us are both interesting and exciting.

Here, I’m discussing:

  • Why did Kayla divorce?
  • Who was her ex-husband?
  • Fans reaction to the separation.
  • Kayla’s new boyfriend and much more.

Let’s begin!

Homeschooling Picker Kayla Divorce: Know the Critical Details

Kayla, known as “The Homeschooling Picker,” has indeed been through divorce. She is not wearing her wedding ring and has even started a new relationship. She was married to Jonathan Jose Llamas for almost 20 years, and they have two daughters together. 

Despite the tough times, Kayla has shown incredible strength. She has moved on from her previous marriage and is now dating Matt from Part-Time Pickers. He is another YouTuber and eBay reseller. They made their relationship public in June 2023, and Kayla seems happier.

Professionally, Kayla hasn’t let the divorce slow her down. She’s still creating engaging content for her YouTube channel and running her eBay business.

Moreover, her picking and flipping adventures continue to captivate her audience.

We all know that the divorce was a big change, but Kayla has kept her life and homeschooling on track. She still creates a stable home for her younger daughter. Thankfully, she gets support from her new relationship and her community.

Homeschooling Picker Kayla Divorce Announcement

Kayla did not make a formal announcement about her divorce from Jonathan. While there were rumors, she chose to keep the details of her divorce private. Over time, Kayla mentioned about starting a new life. Then, she introduced her new boyfriend Matt in June 2023 by uploading pictures together.

Homeschooling Picker Kayla Divorce Settlement

Kayla, known as “The Homeschooling Picker,” handled her divorce settlement with care and privacy. The specific details of the settlement are not public. But it’s clear that she and Jonathan reached an agreement that allowed them to move forward separately but amicably.

Like Kayla, the family behind Ryan’s World has faced their share of public scrutiny. Are the divorce rumors true? Find out in Ryan’s World Divorce: Know the Truth.

Why Did Homeschooling Picker Kayla Divorce? (Reasons)

homeschooling picker kayla divorce reasons

Homeschooling Picker Kayla got divorced due to irreconcilable differences. This means she and Jonathan couldn’t agree on important things anymore, which led to their decision to separate. There were some infidelity rumors, but Kayla hasn’t confirmed these publicly, so you shouldn’t believe them.

Irreconcilable Differences

The biggest reason Homeschooling Picker Kayla decided to divorce is that she and Jonathan had irreconcilable differences. According to media outlets, neither of them could agree on important things and couldn’t find a way to work through their problems.

Sources are claiming that this made it hard for them to stay together. We all have seen that sometimes people just grow apart. Sadly, that’s what happened with Kayla and Jonathan. They tried to make it work, but in the end, they decided it was best to separate.

Personal Growth and Change

It’s common for couples to change and grow. According to sources, Homeschooling Picker Kayla and Jonathan divorced because both had different goals. Ultimately, these differences became too big to ignore.

There were rumors about infidelity in Kayla and Jonathan’s marriage. Some people thought that one of them might have cheated. However, Kayla has never confirmed these rumors, so I suggest not believing any of them. We should respect that she has chosen to keep this part of her life private.

Remember that rumors can spread quickly, but without confirmation, we can’t be sure what really happened.

Lee and Tiffany, known for their outdoor adventures, have also navigated personal changes. What’s new with them? Dive into Lee and Tiffany: Life After Divorce Rumors.

Who is Homeschooling Picker Kayla’s Ex-Husband Jonathan?

Jonathan Jose Llamas, also called John, is the former husband of Kayla, the Homeschooling Picker. He was born in 1988 and is from Danville, Kentucky. Jonathan and Kayla married when they were quite young and have two daughters together.

Throughout their nearly twenty-year marriage, Jonathan mostly stayed out of the public eye. Kayla would sometimes talk about him in her YouTube videos, but he preferred to keep his personal life private.

Unfortunately, their marriage hit some rough patches. They faced issues that they couldn’t resolve, leading to their divorce. There were rumors of infidelity, but Kayla has never confirmed these.

Jonathan’s story, especially after the divorce, is not well-known. The reason is that he prefers to keep things low-key. Despite the challenges, he remains an important figure in his children’s lives.

Homeschooling Picker Kayla and Jonathan Jose Llamas Relationship Timeline

MetEarly years
MarriedEarly 2000s
Elder Daughter’s GraduationMay 2023
Separated and DivorcedEarly 2023
Kayla Started Dating Matt2023

Now, the details.

Meeting and Marriage

  • Kayla Lee Moore, known as the Homeschooling Picker, and Jonathan Jose Llamas met in their early years. They both grew up in Kentucky, which is where they eventually settled.
  • They married at a young age and started a family together, raising two daughters. Their elder daughter graduated from college in May 2023, and their younger daughter is still in school.

Relationship Highlights

  • Kayla started her YouTube channel, Homeschooling Picker, while they were still together. She often mentioned Jonathan in her videos. The family appeared to be very supportive of each other.
  • Jonathan had a significant knee injury that required surgery. Kayla took a break from YouTube to care for him.

Separation and Divorce:

  • Over time, the relationship between Kayla and Jonathan began to deteriorate. They ultimately decide to divorce.
  • After their separation, Kayla started dating Matt from Part-Time Pickers (more about him later).

Kayla’s situation isn’t unique in the spotlight. Hoovie from Hoovies Garage has also experienced significant personal upheavals. Learn the shocking details in Hoovies Garage Divorce: The Untold Story.

Fans Reaction to Homeschooling Picker Kayla Divorce

Fans of Homeschooling Picker Kayla had mixed reactions to her divorce. Many showed support and empathy, while others expressed surprise and curiosity. Overall, the fan community offered words of encouragement.

Supportive Messages

Many fans were supportive of Kayla during her divorce. They admired her strength and resilience. Comments like, “We’re here for you, Kayla!” and “Stay strong, you’re doing great!” flooded her social media.

Fans appreciated her honesty, too. They also respected her decision to keep some details private while still sharing her journey.

I think this support helped Kayla feel connected to her audience and encouraged her to continue her work.

Expressions of Surprise

Some fans were surprised by the news of Kayla’s divorce. They didn’t see it coming and expressed their shock on her platforms. Comments such as, “I can’t believe this happened!” and “This is so unexpected!” were common.

Curious Inquiries

Some fans wanted to know more about the reasons behind the divorce. They asked questions and speculated on the details. Comments like, “What happened?” and “Can you share more about why?” showed their curiosity.

Most fans were respectful in their inquiries. Sadly, when going through comments, I also noticed that some people crossed boundaries, asking for personal information.

Words of Encouragement

I noted that there were hundreds of encouraging messages from Kayla’s fans. They offered advice, shared their own experiences with divorce, and provided emotional support.

I saw comments like, “You’re not alone, we’ve been through this too,” and “Keep your head up, better days are ahead.” These words helped Kayla feel less isolated.

Divorce can often lead to public controversy, as seen with JD Harmeyer from the Howard Stern Show. Get the real story behind the headlines in JD Harmeyer Divorce: Unveiling the Controversy.

Is Homeschooling Picker Kayla in Relationship Now?

Homeschooling Picker Kayla new boyfriend after divorce

Yes, Homeschooling Picker Kayla is currently in a relationship with Matt from Part-Time Pickers. They confirmed their relationship in June 2023. Since then, they have shared their journey both personally and professionally with their fans.

On May 16, 2024, Kayla uploaded a video with Matt in which they were looking for cheap things. Recently, she also posted a video in which she drove 3 hours with Matt for 176-yard sales.

On February 2, 2024, Kayla shared pictures with Matt, which received a lot of praise as well. 

Matt is also a content creator and eBay reseller. That is why he complements Kayla’s lifestyle and interests.

Kayla’s Tips for Other Homeschooling Parents Going Through a Divorce

Kayla Picker has offered valuable advice for parents getting a divorce while homeschooling. Let’s have a look:

  • Emotional Support: Regularly check in with your children about their feelings to help them process emotions and feel secure.
  • Maintain Routine: Keep a consistent homeschooling schedule to provide stability and minimize disruptions.
  • Flexibility with Visitation: Use homeschooling’s flexibility to arrange visitation schedules that ensure quality time with both parents.
  • Seek Community Support: Engage with other homeschooling families for practical advice and emotional support.
  • Self-Care for Parents: Take care of your own well-being to stay strong and supportive of your children.


All in all, homeschooling picker Kayla has gone through a divorce. Here’s the summary:

  • She and Jonathan separated due to irreconcilable differences.
  • Kayla is now happily dating Matt from Part-Time Pickers.
  • Despite the divorce, Kayla maintains a stable homeschooling routine for her children.
  • She receives strong support from her fans and the homeschooling community.

In my opinion, her story is an inspiration to all parents facing similar challenges.

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