jake and nicole divorce

Are Jake and Nicole Divorced? (Exposing the Truth)

Wondering, “Is Jake and Nicole divorce real?” Well, the “Off-grid” couple are still together and enjoying their lives. But the reasons for their divorce rumors are interesting, and you will want to know about them if you’re their die-hard fan.

Continue reading to know the full story. Let’s start!

Did Jake and Nicole Divorce? (Everything to Know)

No, Jake and Nicole from “Off Grid with Jake and Nicolle” did not divorce. They are still together and have addressed the rumors on several occasions.  Their photos and videos on social media show them having a good time.

Jake and Nicole are continuously posting content in which they laugh, joke, and share sweet moments. Look at their social media and see that they are still happy together.

Uploading Lovely Videos Together

The biggest proof Jake and Nicole did not get divorced is their YouTube channel. On May 13, 2024, the couple uploaded a video on their YouTube channel, “Off Grid w/ Jake & Nicolle.”

In the video, Jake and Nicole can be seen making the most of their child’s nap time. They walk through their garden, talking about their lives and future plans. Nicole is six months pregnant. They think back on their journey from their property in the Canadian wilderness to their new tropical home.

Regularly Posting on Social Media

Another evidence Jake and Nicole Off Grid are not divorced is that Nicole uploaded pictures with her husband on Instagram on May 16, 2024. She posted them with the caption “Life lately.”

Nicole also uploaded pictures on Mother’s Day in which she was with Fox and her husband. Moreover, on March 5, 2024, amid the divorce rumors, Nicole Off Grid announced pregnancy by posting pictures with Jake and her kid, Fox.

Remember that both are used to being in the public eye. They know how to handle the pressure. They make sure to spend time together and show their love in public.

Statements from Jake and Nicole about their Relationship

Both Jake and Nicole Off Grid have talked about the divorce rumors indirectly. In videos, they have said clearly that they will continue to live together forever. They have even posted on social media to let their fans know the truth.

By speaking up, Nicole and Jake stopped the rumors and reassured everyone that their relationship was strong.

So, the next time you hear a rumor about them, remember that they are still a strong couple.

Just like Jake and Nicole, Ali from ‘Ali on the Run’ has had some personal news to share. Catch up on her story in Ali on the Run: Update on Divorce.

Why Did Jake and Nicole Divorce Rumors Start?

Why Did Jake and Nicole Divorce Rumors Start

The divorce rumors about Jake and Nicole started because of misinterpretations on social media. Similarly, their unique lifestyle choices and public misunderstandings about their relationship are some other reasons.

Despite the rumors, Jake and Nicole have clarified their strong bond.

Misinterpreting Nicole’s Captions and Titles

One major reason for the Jake and Nicole divorce rumors is the misinterpretation of their social media captions and titles. Sometimes, Nicole posts messages that fans find confusing or suggestive. These posts can make people think there is trouble in their relationship.

The video that started the divorce rumors was “MY FAMILY GROWS, AS I LEAVE.” This video caused concerns among the fans, but there wasn’t anything serious. In the video, Jake and Nicole take a rare moment together while their child, Fox, naps.

Nicole feels a bit sad about not being at their Canadian home, especially during her favorite season. But she feels better knowing it’s in good hands. Jake and Nicole plan to go back to their Canadian home in a few years. They also dream of sailing around the world and continuing their adventures.

Limited Public Appearances

Another reason for the rumors is that Jake and Nicole live off the grid and don’t give interviews or attend red-carpet events. Their absence from the public eye makes fans curious and sometimes worried.

When people don’t see them together at big events, they start to assume the worst. But Jake and Nicole prefer a private life,

Nicole’s Exclusive Content for Fans

Nicole shares exclusive content with her fans through a subscription service. This has led to misunderstandings about their relationship status. Some fans think that because she is focused on creating this content, it might mean she and Jake are not getting along.

However, this content has nothing to do with their relationship.

Social Media Breaks

Lastly, the couple often takes breaks from social media. When they do this, fans sometimes worry that something is wrong. They might think that Jake and Nicole are having problems and need time apart.

In reality, they just like to take time away from the online world to enjoy their off-grid lifestyle. That’s all.

Are you also wondering about Lee and Tiffany, too? See what’s really happening with them in Lee and Tiffany: The Real Story.

Impact of Divorce Rumors on Jake and Nicole Career

jake and nicole divorce rumors and impact on careers

Divorce rumors can have a big impact on anyone, especially celebrities like Jake and Nicole. This gossip has definitely affected their careers in several ways.

First, the rumors bring a lot of attention. More people are talking about Jake and Nicole now. This can help them stay in the public eye and keep their names popular. Sometimes, all this attention can lead to new opportunities, like interviews or new projects. People might want to work with them because everyone is curious about their story.

But, there’s also a downside. Constant rumors can be stressful. Jake and Nicole might feel pressure to prove that they are still together. This stress can make it hard to focus on their work.

Fans Reaction to Jake and Nicole Divorce Rumors

Fans have mixed reactions to Jake and Nicole’s divorce rumors. Some are worried and express their concerns online, while others dismiss the rumors as just another celebrity gossip. Overall, most fans continue to support Jake and Nicole.

Worried Fans

Some fans are really worried about Jake and Nicole. They leave comments like, “I hope they’re okay,” and “I can’t believe this is happening!” These fans genuinely care about Jake and Nicole’s relationship. They want to see them happy and together.

They often ask for updates and look for any signs that the rumors aren’t true.

Dismissive Fans

Other fans don’t take the rumors seriously. They comment things like, “It’s just gossip,” or “People love to make up stories.” These fans believe that the rumors are just part of being famous.

They think Jake and Nicole are fine and ignore the negative news. They often tell others not to worry and to wait for official statements from Jake and Nicole.

Supportive Fans

Many fans show their support regardless of the rumors. They write messages like, “Stay strong, we love you both,” and “You guys are the best, keep going!” These fans focus on the positive aspects of Jake and Nicole’s lives. They spread love and encouragement, hoping to uplift Jake and Nicole during tough times.

Curious Fans

Some fans are just curious. They say things like, “What’s really going on?” and “I need to know the truth!” These fans are eager for any news about Jake and Nicole. They follow updates closely and discuss the rumors with others.

Their curiosity can sometimes fuel the spread of rumors, but it also shows how interested they are in Jake and Nicole’s lives.

While Jake and Nicole are still together, Hoovies Garage has gone through a real divorce. Learn what happened in Hoovies Garage: The Real Divorce Details.

Jake and Nicole Marriage Timeline: All the Details

2017Jake and Nicole met in Arizona.
2018Jake finalized his divorce; they began off-grid living.
2019Moved to Vancouver Island; built a yurt.
2020Expanded their off-grid home with new structures.
2021Announced pregnancy; Nicole gave birth to Fox.
2022Began building a home on their tropical property.
2023Balanced time between tropical and Canadian homes.
2024Expecting a second child and dealing with the divorce rumors

Jake and Nicole, known for their off-grid lifestyle, have shared their journey through various platforms, including YouTube and other online sources. Here’s a timeline of their relationship:

2017: Jake and Nicole met in Arizona when Nicole attended one of Jake’s urban gardening workshops. They exchanged contact details and began dating shortly afterward.

2018: Jake finalized his divorce from his first wife. He and Nicole decided to sell their belongings and pursue off-grid living. They started a world tour under the WWOOF program, working on farms in countries like Portugal, Spain, and France.

2019: After a year of traveling, Jake and Nicole moved to Vancouver Island, Canada, where they purchased an 8-acre property. They built a 30-foot diameter yurt as their new home. By May, the yurt was completed, and they had a thriving garden and off-grid water and power systems.

2020: The couple continued to improve their off-grid home by adding various structures, including a wood-fired hot tub, pizza oven, and a cabin.

2021: In September, during the 140th episode of their YouTube series, Jake and Nicole announced that they were expecting their first child. Nicole gave birth to their son, Fox, later that year.

2022: The couple shifted focus to their tropical property, planting fruit trees and starting construction on a new home.

2023: Jake and Nicole balanced their time between their tropical home and their Canadian property, where a young German couple helped maintain the land and their cat, Jinsing.

2024: In May 2024, Nicole is six months pregnant and expecting a second child. She and Jake are also dealing with false divorce rumors, too.

jake and nicole divorce rumors and relationship timeline

We all know that divorce rumors can be tricky. For a fact check on Duck Dynasty, read Duck Dynasty: Divorce Fact Check.


All in all, Jake and Nicole continue to show their strong bond despite the rumors. Here’s the summary:

  • Jake and Nicole Off Grid have not divorced and they continue to upload content together.
  • Public appearances and social media show they are still together.
  • Rumors impact their careers but also keep them in the public eye.
  • Fans have mixed reactions but mostly support them.

Let’s continue supporting Jake and Nicole and not worry about the gossip about the divorce!

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