Kim and Kroy Divorce

Are Kim and Kroy Divorced? (Shocking Recent Update)

Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Kroy Biermann’s divorce has everyone talking. They’ve been through it all – trying to make up, arguing over their kids, and dealing with money problems. During this time, both stayed in the news.

Now, there are recent developments, and fans want to know what they are.

Let’s dive into what’s been happening with their big breakup and how it’s shaking things up.

Key Takeaways

  • Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are in the midst of a divorce process. 
  • A court mandate requires them to undergo and finish mediation by January 31, 2024, signaling that their divorce is still in progress.
  • The divorce issues include who takes care of the kids, money troubles, and disagreements about their house and privacy.
  • The way people have reacted to their divorce shows that having friends and even fans who support you can really help. But also, a little privacy can be a good thing too.

Kim and Kroy Divorce: All the Recent Details

Kim and Kroy are currently going through a divorce, and it is all over the news, feeling more like a TV drama than real life. From fighting over kids to arguing about money, everything feels dramatic. In fact, this legal stuff is the reason why the public is still gossiping about their breakup.

Here’s the recent update on Kim and Kroy’s divorce:

Kim and Kroy Have Now Been mediating to Settle the Divorce

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann Have Now Been mediating to Settle the Divorce

Kim and Kroy have to sit down and talk things through to settle their divorce by the end of January 2024. Judge Shermela J. Williams says it’s time they sorted out their issues with the help of a mediator. They can pick their own mediator or use one from Fulton County, and they’ll split the cost.

This step is super important for them to hopefully agree on some things and move forward.

The Kids: Who Gets to Take Care of Them?

A big issue between Kim and Kroy is who will take care of their kids. Kroy wants to be the main parent for their children, showing he’s really keen on being a big part of their lives. Kim, though, wants to share custody, making sure she’s also a key figure for the kids.

They have four younger kids together, plus Kim’s two daughters from before, whom Kroy adopted. So, there’s a lot at stake in deciding who the kids will live with.

Money Troubles and the House They Lived In

Money problems are adding to the stress of their breakup. One of the biggest fights is over their house. They decided to sell it because they owe money and think living separately is best. 

The sale is also about trying to fix some of their money issues, like dealing with debts and a claim that Kim spent a lot on gambling.

Court Battles and Arguments for Everyone to See

Kim and Kroy’s split has had its fair share of court fights and public arguments. Recently, Kim also accused Kroy of telling secrets to news agencies. Kim even asked the court to keep some things private because the divorce is getting so much attention.

These legal fights and their public disagreements have made their divorce even messier and a hot topic for everyone watching.

It seems like everyone wants to know about their favorite celebrities’ lives, especially when it comes to love and marriage. It’s not just Kim and Kroy in the spotlight, though. Take Bobbi Althoff, for example. There’s been a buzz about her marriage too. If you’re curious about what’s really going on, then check out “Bobbi Althoff Divorce Rumors: What’s Happening?” to see the full story.

And then there’s Bunny Hedaya. Rumors have been flying about her relationship as well. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? For anyone looking to find out the truth, we’ve dug into the details. Dive into “Is Bunny Hedaya Divorced? (Surprising Details)” for a closer look at what’s happening with Bunny.

The Timeline of Kim and Kroy’s Divorce Proceedings

Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Kroy Biermann’s journey through divorce has been a rollercoaster. How? Well, it’s full of lots of ups and downs. Here’s a closer look at how things have unfolded from the start.

May 2023Kroy Biermann initially files for divorce, citing the marriage as “irretrievably broken.”
July 2023Kim and Kroy briefly reconcile, attempting to work on their marriage and calling off the divorce.
August 2023Kroy files for divorce a second time.
August 2023The couple’s family home is put on the market, with the aim of addressing financial issues.
September 2023Allegations arise of Kim’s gambling addiction and financial mismanagement.
November 2023Public disputes intensify, including accusations against Kroy of leaking divorce details.
January 2024Ordered by the court, Kim and Kroy must complete mediation by the end of January 2024.

Now, the details.

The Beginning: Filing for Divorce

The story began when Kroy filed for divorce. The main reason he gave was that their marriage was “irretrievably broken,” meaning they couldn’t fix things anymore. This was a big moment because it showed they were having serious troubles.

Trying to Fix Things

After Kroy filed for divorce, something surprising happened – they tried to patch things up. For a short while, Kim and Kroy put their divorce on hold, thinking they might be able to work through their problems. This was a hopeful time because it looked like they might be able to keep their family together.

What Went Wrong

Despite their efforts, the attempt to reconcile didn’t last long. Not too far down the line, Kroy filed for divorce again. This time, he also asked for full legal and physical custody of their kids, which added more tension. Plus, he wanted exclusive access to the home they shared in Georgia. 

Now, Kim and Kroy have been ordered by the court to complete mediation by the end of January 2024.

Why Are Kim and Kroy Divorcing Each Other?

Why Are Kim and Kroy Divorcing Each Other?

Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Kroy Biermann are getting a divorce because they have too many problems they can’t fix. Kroy said their marriage was “irretrievably broken” when he filed for divorce, which means they think it’s impossible to work things out. A few big reasons led to their decision to split up, including:

  • Financial Struggles: Their financial situation, including disputes over money management, debts, and the potential foreclosure of their family home.
  • Custody Issues: They disagreed on who should take care of their kids, with Kroy wanting all the custody. This showed they had big problems working together as parents.
  • Public Fights and Legal Problems: Their fights became public, with court issues about privacy and blaming each other for talking to the media. This made their situation even tougher.
  • Trying to Resolve Disputes: They tried to fix their marriage, even stopping their divorce once to try again. But they kept facing the same issues. They realized that maybe getting a divorce was the best choice after trying and failing to mend things.
  • Differences and Arguments: Over time, they started arguing more, even about personal stuff like gambling or who gets what. These problems made their relationship harder to fix.

The combination of these issues made it clear to both Kim and Kroy that their marriage could not continue in its current state, leading to their decision to divorce.

Public Reaction to Kim and Kroy’s Divorce

People (especially fans) have shared mixed feelings about Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Kroy Biermann’s divorce on Reddit and other platforms. Here’s what’s been happening:

  • Surprised and Upset: A lot of fans were caught off guard and felt sad about the breakup. They’ve watched Kim and Kroy fall in love on “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and continue their story on “Don’t Be Tardy.” Their relationship and family life won many hearts, so the divorce news was hard for fans who felt connected to their story.
  • Supporting Both: Fans are showing support for both Kim and Kroy, wishing them happiness, whether they’re together or not. People on social media are sending kind words, hoping they’ll keep their kids’ best interests at heart and handle their breakup gracefully.
  • Rumors and Gossip: Because they’re famous, there’s been a lot of guessing and gossip about why they’re splitting. Talks about money issues, who gets the kids, and personal arguments are everywhere, making fans curious and sparking lots of chat online and in the media.
  • Curious About What’s Next: Everyone’s watching to see what Kim and Kroy will do next — how they’ll parent, move on in their careers, and maybe even start new relationships. People are hoping they’ll share updates on social media or in new TV shows.
  • Criticisms Over Public Arguments: Some people don’t like how they’ve managed their arguments, especially those that got media attention or involved legal claims. It’s been pointed out that fighting in public could make this tough time even harder, especially for their kids.

Overall, People have been feeling all sorts of things about divorce. It shows just how complicated it can get when a marriage ends under the spotlight. Fans and everyone watching are crossing their fingers for an outcome that’s best for Kim, Kroy, and their family.


What Is Kim Zolciak Net worth?

Kim Zolciak’s net worth was estimated to be around $3 million. This figure comes from her successful stint on reality TV, notably “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and her spin-off show “Don’t Be Tardy.” Besides her television career, Kim has ventured into business with her skincare line, Kashmere Kollections, and other endeavors.

Does Kim Zolciak have children?

Yes, Kim Zolciak is a mother to six children. Let’s start with two elder daughters – Brielle (born in 1997) and Ariana (born in 2001). Both were born before Kim married Kroy.

After marrying Kroy Biermann, the family expanded to include four more children: sons Kroy Jr. (born in 2011) and Kash (born in 2012) and twins Kaia and Kane (born in 2013).

Moreover, Kroy Biermann has also legally adopted Brielle and Ariana, making him their legal father.


Kim and Kroy’s breakup shows how tough it can be to go separate ways, especially with the whole world watching. Here’s what stands out from their story:

  • They’ve really tried to sort things out, showing it’s not easy to just walk away.
  • The fight over who gets the kids shows how important family is through all of this.
  • Money troubles add another layer of stress to an already hard situation.
  • Everyone has something to say about their breakup, proving how much people care.
  • Their journey reminds us that moving on takes strength, especially under the spotlight.

That’s the Kim and Kroy divorce details.

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