Simon and Martina divorce

Why Did Simon and Martina Divorce? (We Know This)

Have you heard about Simon and Martina’s divorce? This news was surprising. People were in shock, wondering what happened to the couple behind “Eat Your Kimchi.” Here, I will discuss the reasons behind their split, the impact on their popular YouTube channel, and whether they are dating anyone or not.

Let’s start.

Key Takeaways

  • Simon and Martina agreed to end their marriage in 2021, after being together for 15 years, because they were growing apart.
  • They became famous for their “Eat Your Kimchi” YouTube channel, showing their life in Korea, but not everything was easy for them.
  • Some people guessed why they split up, but without real proof, we shouldn’t believe all we hear.
  • Both Simon and Martina are focusing on healing and moving forward with new projects.

Simon and Martina Divorce: The Beginning of the End

Simon and Martina have announced their divorce in 2021. They cited that they got married quite young and were together for 15 exciting years. The divorce decision was mutual, which left fans in surprise. Both Simon and Martina asked fans for understanding as they started on new, separate journeys.

The story of Simon and Martina has captured the hearts of millions through their “Eat Your Kimchi” YouTube channel. They shared a passion for Korean culture and cuisine. That is why Simon and Martina’s adventure in South Korea was something special. 

They showed us their life with lots of love and fun. They didn’t just eat food; they shared their daily adventures with us all. But times change. Even though they seemed happy and together on YouTube and social media, things weren’t perfect behind the camera.

Deciding to get a divorce wasn’t easy for them. They talked a lot about it and realized they were heading in different directions. It was a sad end to their marriage but also the start of new beginnings for both of them.

When they told everyone about their divorce, it was a big shock. But they asked us to understand and respect their privacy. Many started wondering what the real reason was behind the divorce.

The Real Reasons Behind Simon and Martina’s Divorce

Simon and Martina divorce reasons

Simon and Martina divorced due to growing apart, personal development differences, and the strains on Martina’s health and their shared public life. They mutually decided to separate and asked everyone to respect their decision.

Over the years, Simon and Martina inspired many by turning their love for Korean culture into a shared career. But living and working together, especially in the public eye, comes with its challenges. Their relationship began to feel the strain of constant togetherness and public scrutiny.

Fans on Reddit think Simon is a narcissist. It’s a big accusation, and we should not spread such information about a person without any evidence. Some people also said cheating was the reason behind Simon and Martina’s divorce. There’s no evidence, and the couple has not said anything about it.

As everyone talks about Simon and Martina, it seems Steve Harvey’s relationship is just as hot a topic. Curious? Check out Steve Harvey Divorce Rumors: The Real Story Behind Rumors.

Eat Your Kimchi: The Journey of Simon and Martina Together

Simon and Martina, a Canadian couple, became famous with their YouTube channel “Eat Your Kimchi.” Starting in 2008, they shared their adventures in South Korea. They showed us the food, culture, and fun they found. Their love for Korea turned into a big job. They even opened a studio in Seoul!

In 2016, they moved to Japan, starting “Eatyoursushi” to explore Japanese culture. Their channel name changed to “Simon and Martina.” By 2018, they had 1.3 million fans watching their videos.

Sadly, in 2021, Simon and Martina shared news of their divorce. Martina left the channel in 2022 to start her own projects.

Simon and Martina’s Relationship: Their Story Begins

Simon and Martina met in 2005 at university in Toronto. Both were studying Education and Art. They moved to South Korea in 2008 and started teaching English. They opened their YouTube channel to show they were safe amid tensions between North and South Korea. They quit teaching in 2011 to blog full-time, thanks to their growing fanbase.

Their Impact

“Eat Your Kimchi” wasn’t just a channel. It became a business and a way to connect with people. They talked about K-pop, tried unique foods, and even opened a cafe in Seoul. When health issues made staying in Korea hard, they moved to Japan and then back to Canada. They always shared their journey.

Their Content

Simon and Martina covered everything (from food reviews to answering fan questions about Korea and Japan). They were pioneers, showing Korea from an expat’s view, winning awards, and even facing some criticism for their perspective.

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Simon’s New Girlfriend: Moving On After the Divorce

What’s Simon Doing After Divorce new girl friend

After Simon and Martina announced their divorce, many fans wondered about their next chapters. Especially for Simon, rumors about whether he has started dating again have circulated.

Simon has kept his personal life private, and there’s no confirmed news about a new girlfriend or dating.

What we do know is that both Simon and Martina have expressed their desire to move forward positively. Simon’s journey after the divorce seems to be focused on healing, exploring new interests, and possibly new relationships when he’s ready.

As fans, the best thing we can do is be there for them with lots of understanding and patience. Getting over a divorce is really personal. If Simon ever decides to tell us about someone new in his life, it’ll be when he’s ready. For now, let’s keep cheering for Simon and Martina. They’ve given us so much happiness and cool stuff to think about. We can’t wait to see what they do next, together or on their own.

Martina Sazunic: Life After the Divorce

After Martina and Simon shared the news of their divorce, many wondered what Martina would do next. Martina is known for her bright spirit and creative mind. After the divorce, she has begun a new adventure that’s all her own.

She’s started something called King Kogi. It’s a place where she shares her love for life. She is showing us all the new things she’s trying and the places she’s exploring. Martina’s always had a knack for making people feel like they’re right there with her, and King Kogi is no exception. It’s her way of keeping in touch and sharing bits of joy and discovery.

Martina has always been open about her challenges, too, like dealing with a tough illness. By talking about it, she’s helped a lot of people feel less alone. Her journey tells us it’s okay to have hard days and that it’s possible to find bright moments even then.

Starting fresh after something big changes, like a divorce, isn’t easy. But Martina shows us how you can find new paths and even happiness along the way. She’s now:

  • Moving forward
  • Finding new passions
  • Reminding us that life is full of surprises.

Everyone who’s been following Martina is cheering her on. They are excited to see where her adventures take her next.


In a nutshell:

  • Simon and Martina got divorced in 2021.
  • Personal growth and challenges were key factors in their decision to divorce.
  • Both are moving on, and we should support them both.

That’s all the details of Simon and Martina’s divorce.

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