why did mike and kelly bowling divorce

Why Did Mike and Kelly Bowling Divorce? (4 Shocking Reasons)

“Why did Mike and Kelly Bowling divorce?” is a headline that continues to draw attention. Their split was due to a mix of personal issues, health complications, and some more reasons. Fans were shocked by the news, but the details reveal a deeper story.

Stay to the end to find out the full story behind their separation.

Why Did Mike and Kelly Bowling Divorce? (We Now Know the Reasons)

Mike and Kelly Bowling divorced due to several reasons, including growing apart over time, work-life imbalance, and financial strains. There were also health issues that further caused the problem. Their separation was confirmed in a Facebook post by Kelly’s mother.

Let’s see the details.

Communication Breakdown and Growing Apart

One major reason for Mike and Kelly Bowling’s divorce was a communication breakdown. Over time, they found it hard to express their feelings and concerns to each other. This lack of communication created a gap between them.

Additionally, as the years passed, their interests and priorities changed. According to media outlets, they started to grow apart. This change made it difficult for them to stay connected.

Work-Life Imbalance

Both Mike and Kelly had demanding careers in the gospel music industry. Their busy schedules often kept them away from home and each other. This imbalance between work and personal life puts a lot of stress on their relationship.

They found it hard to spend quality time together. In my opinion, this is crucial for maintaining a strong bond. Over time, this lack of balance led to a lack of support.

We all know that support from a partner is essential during tough times. Mike and Kelly struggled there. According to sources, they often felt unsupported by each other. Feeling alone and unsupported, Mike and Kelly Bowling decided to divorce.

Financial and Health Issues

I have seen that money problems can create a lot of stress in a marriage. We don’t know Mike and Kelly Bowling’s net worth. However, media outlets claim that they were facing financial strains that added to their troubles.

According to media sources, health issues also played a significant role in Mike and Kelly’s divorce. In 2010, a bus accident left both of them and their daughter, Katelanne, with serious injuries. Later, in 2020, they contracted COVID-19, which further impacted their health.

These ongoing health problems created additional stress and challenges. Dealing with health issues can be exhausting and can put a lot of pressure on a marriage.

Relocation and Family Dynamics

Moving added more stress to Mike and Kelly’s marriage. Relocating can be tough, especially under difficult circumstances. In this case, Kelly and her daughters moved to a new house, as mentioned in a Facebook post.

Let me tell you, this move was not a happy change but a result of their struggles. Changes in family dynamics and living situations can strain relationships, and it did for them.

We don’t know why they moved, but I suggest we respect their privacy. There were rumors of infidelity, but we shouldn’t believe them.

One thing is certain – speculation about unfaithfulness can be damaging, even if it’s untrue.

Rumors can spread quickly, much like the divorce rumors surrounding the McCaughey septuplets’ father. Are those rumors true? Find out in Are Septuplets McCaughey Father Divorce Rumors True or Not?

Official Announcement of Mike and Kelly Bowling’s Divorce

mike and kelly bowling divorce

The official announcement of Mike and Kelly Bowling’s divorce was made through social media posts and family statements. In April 2021, fans were surprised by a post on The Bowling Family’s Facebook page. It said that Kelly and her daughters had moved out of their longtime home into a new house. 

The post didn’t mention Mike, which led to a lot of questions about their relationship. After some time, Kelly’s mother, Kathy Crabb Hannah, confirmed in the comments that Kelly and Mike were getting divorced.

She mentioned that Mike was “gone” but didn’t give any more details. The family asked for privacy and prayers during this tough time.

The pandemic and old health issues from a 2010 accident added extra stress. Several family members got COVID-19 in 2020, making things even harder for them.

Mike and Kelly Bowling Divorce Settlement

The details of Mike and Kelly Bowling’s divorce settlement have not been made public. Respecting their privacy, it is clear that both parties prefer to keep this matter confidential. Divorce settlements often involve discussions about:

  • Finances
  • Property
  • Child custody.

Given the challenges they faced, it’s understandable why they might want to keep these details private. As fans, we should respect their need for privacy and support them during this difficult time.

Mike and Kelly Bowling’s divorce has been quite a shock to many. Similarly, Tiffany Jenkins’s relationship status has also raised questions. Curious about her story? Check out: Tiffany Jenkins Divorce Rumors – What’s Happening?

What Is Mike Bowling Doing After Divorce? Let’s Find Out

Wondering what Mike Bowling is doing now? Since his divorce from Kelly Bowling, Mike Bowling has stayed active in the music industry. He keeps touring and performing, even though his popularity has dipped a bit. His latest album, “The Outsider,” has been a hit.

He plays music for both old and new fans, which keeps him busy and happy.

Mike also stays involved with his church and other groups. He enjoys traveling and performing. Mike hasn’t shared much about his personal life after the divorce.

We don’t know if Mike Bowling is dating anyone new or any details about the divorce settlement. It looks like he’s focused on his music and his own well-being right now.

It’s great to see Mike doing what he loves and staying positive. Let’s continue to support him as he moves forward with his life and career.

Kelly Bowling Found New Love After Divorce

Kelly Bowling, now known as Kelly Crabb, has found new love and is engaged to John. John is a longtime employee of the Bowling Family. John has worked as a pianist, sound engineer, and bus driver for the family for over 12 years.

After her divorce from Mike Bowling, Kelly and John developed a close relationship. He has been a steady presence and support during her difficult times.

Kelly’s journey shows that even after tough times, new beginnings are possible. Fans are happy to see her finding happiness and moving forward with her life.

What Is the Public Reaction to Mike and Kelly Bowling?

The public reaction to Mike and Kelly Bowling’s divorce has been a mix of shock, support, sadness, curiosity, and hope. Fans expressed their emotions on social media. They showed their concern for the family’s well-being and sent positive messages to both Mike and Kelly during this difficult time.

Shock and Surprise

Fans were shocked when they first heard about Mike and Kelly Bowling’s divorce. The news came as a surprise because the couple had always appeared strong and united. The announcement on Facebook left many followers stunned and confused.

There was this one comment: “I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news. Mike and Kelly always seemed so happy together.”

Support and Sympathy

Many fans showed support and sympathy for both Mike and Kelly. They understood that divorce is a difficult process, so they offered their encouragement. Messages of love and prayers filled the comments section of the announcement post.

Check out this comment: “We’re praying for you and your family. Stay strong and know that we’re here for you.”

Sadness and Disappointment

According to a survey, 81% of respondents believed that getting a divorce is morally acceptable, while 13% considered it morally wrong. The news of the divorce brought sadness and disappointment to many fans.

They felt a sense of loss because Mike and Kelly had been a big part of their lives through their music. The breakup of such a beloved couple was hard for them to accept.

One fan commented: “This is heartbreaking. I’ve been a fan of the Bowling Family for years, and this news is so sad.”

Curiosity and Speculation

Curiosity and speculation were also common reactions. Fans wanted to know more about what led to the divorce. Many speculated about possible reasons but also respected the family’s privacy.

Krys said: “I wonder what really happened. It must have been something serious. I hope they find peace and happiness.”

Hope for the Future

Despite the sadness, many fans expressed hope for the future. They wished both Mike and Kelly the best as they moved forward with their lives. Jacob said: “Even though this is tough, I believe good things are ahead for both of them. Wishing Mike and Kelly all the best for their future.”

Mike and Kelly Bowling Relationship Timeline

Mike and Kelly Bowling married in 2005, formed a successful gospel group, faced health challenges from a 2010 bus accident, and struggled during the pandemic. They separated in 2021, with Kelly’s mother confirming their divorce.

The early 2000sMike Bowling and Kelly Crabb meet and begin their relationship.
2005Mike and Kelly get married.
2007-2010Achieve significant success in gospel music, face health challenges.
2010Involved in a serious bus accident.
2010-2020Continue performing despite health issues, face pandemic challenges.
2020-2021Rumors of marital issues; Kelly and daughters move out.
2021Kelly’s mother confirms Kelly and Mike are getting a divorce.
2022-2023Kelly focuses on career and children, and starts a relationship with John.
2024Kelly and John get engaged.

Now, the details.

  • Early 2000s: Kelly Crabb, a member of the Crabb Family, meets Mike Bowling, who was already an established gospel singer. They bond over their shared faith and passion for music.
  • 2005: Mike and Kelly get married. Kelly joins Mike in his musical endeavors, and together they form the group “Mike and Kelly Bowling.”
  • 2007-2010: The couple achieves success in the gospel music scene. They released several albums and toured extensively.
  • 2010: The Bowling family is involved in a serious bus accident. Mike, Kelly, and their daughter Katelanne suffer injuries. This incident impacts their personal and professional lives significantly.
  • 2010-2020: Despite health challenges, the family continues to perform and record music. They face additional health issues, including complications from the accident and, later, the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2020-2021: Rumors of marital issues start circulating as Mike is noticeably absent from family and professional events. Kelly and her daughters moved out of their family home and into a new house.
  • 2021: Kelly’s mother, Kathy Crabb Hannah, confirms on social media that Kelly and Mike are getting a divorce. This public acknowledgment ends months of speculation.
  • 2022-2023: Kelly focuses on her career and children. She continues to perform and maintain her presence in the gospel music community.
  • 2023: Kelly begins a relationship with John, a longtime employee of the Bowling Family. John has been a supportive figure in Kelly’s life, and their relationship develops over time. Kelly and John eventually got engaged.

That’s all.

Bottom Line

The divorce of Mike and Kelly Bowling left many fans searching for answers. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Communication Breakdown: They struggled to communicate effectively, leading to a rift.
  • Work-Life Imbalance: Busy careers kept them apart, causing stress.
  • Health Issues: Ongoing health problems added to their difficulties.
  • New Beginnings: Both are moving forward with their lives in different ways.

Despite the challenges, both Mike and Kelly are focusing on their futures. Let’s continue to support them.

Just like Mike and Kelly, Jordan Page’s divorce has also stirred public interest. Learn more about her story in The Untold Story of Jordan Page Divorce.

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