why did yolanda and david frost divorce

Why Did Yolanda and David Frost Divorce? 4 Shocking Reasons

“Why did Yolanda and David Foster divorce?” question might pop up as you remember their picture-perfect appearances. Well, it mainly happened due to Yolanda’s health issues and some financial problems.

The complete details are surprising.

Here, I’m discussing:

  • Every reason Yolanda and David told about the divorce
  • What did Yolanda feel after her marriage ended?
  • How much money did she receive after the separation?
  • What was the public reaction to Yolanda and David’s divorce?

Let’s start!

Why Did Yolanda and David Frost Divorce? (What We Know)

Yolanda and David Foster decided to divorce due to several personal and professional reasons. The major factors included: 

  • Yolanda’s severe health challenges from Lyme disease
  • Their discomfort with their highly public life
  • Differences in how they handled their finances.

Reason 01: Yolanda’s Health Issues

Yolanda Hadid’s struggle with Lyme disease played a big part in her divorce from David Foster. You see, Lyme is a tough illness. It can make you feel really tired and sore all the time. According to the media, it took a huge toll on Yolanda just one year after marrying David. 

I understand how hard it must have been for her because her sickness became the main focus of her life. David felt like everything was always about her illness, which was hard for him to handle all the time.

Reason 02: Discomfort with Public Life

Now, let’s talk about another big reason for their split—how they felt about being famous. David Foster, a very successful music producer, didn’t enjoy the spotlight as much as Yolanda did. He didn’t like Yolanda starring in the show “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” 

David once called the show a “nightmare” because he felt it took attention away from his achievements. Imagine, he won 16 Grammys, but people kept talking to him about a reality show! He really didn’t like that.

Reason 03: Financial Independence Issue

Another big reason why David and Yolanda got divorced is how they handled money. David Foster liked to keep his money to himself. He had been married before, and in those marriages, money issues caused a lot of arguments. To avoid those problems, David preferred keeping his and Yolanda’s finances separate.

Therefore, Yolanda Hadid had to keep working. She wanted to be able to support herself and her children. This financial arrangement eventually became the reason behind the divorce.

Reason 04: Yolanda Said She Changed

In her interview, Yolanda Hadid shared how her illness changed her life. She told Entertainment Tonight that while she changed a lot, her partner David stayed the same. Yolanda said these changes were not her choice; they just happened because of her illness. Now, she feels very different and doesn’t think she will ever be the same as before.

Yolanda said she focused all her energy on getting better, finding a cure, and helping her children. But for David, life still included traveling, going to concerts, and enjoying loud music. Yolanda finds it hard now even to listen to the radio. This shows how much her life changed compared to David’s.

Overview of Yolanda and David Foster’s Marriage

Yolanda and David Foster’s marriage seemed like a fairytale at first. They got married in 2011, and their life together looked beautiful to everyone watching. Yolanda was a model and TV star, and David was a famous music producer. Together, they looked perfect.

Yolanda and David Foster's Marriage and divorce

Early Days

At the beginning, everything went smoothly. They enjoyed their time together, attending fancy events and appearing on TV shows. Yolanda even joined a popular TV show called “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” which David wasn’t too happy about.

Challenging Days

But, like in many stories, challenges appeared. Just a year into their marriage, Yolanda got very sick with Lyme disease. This illness made her feel really tired and in pain all the time. It was tough for her, and it started to affect their marriage.

David also continued with his busy music career. This meant he was often away, and their time together became less and less.

Divorce After Tough Times

Both Yolanda and David tried to handle these challenges as best as they could. Sometimes in life, even when two people care about each other, things can get really hard. And for Yolanda and David, these challenges led to divorce in 2015.

David admitted in his documentary, “David Foster: Off the Record,” that he may not have acted kindly during their time together.

So, that’s the big picture of Yolanda and David’s marriage. It started great, but they faced some tough times, and eventually, these challenges led them to separation.

Celebrity marriages often face intense public scrutiny, similar to what we’ve seen with Steve Harvey. Check out: Steve Harvey Divorce: Separating Fact from Fiction.

Yolanda Hadid on Divorce With David Foster

At the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” reunion, Yolanda Foster talked about how her marriage to David Foster ended. She said she was completely surprised by their breakup. Yolanda hoped they would stay together until she fully recovered from her illness.

On the show “Watch What Happens Live,” Yolanda explained that she didn’t see the divorce coming until a specific day. She remembered, “I didn’t know until November 15th.”

The discussion also touched on their financial arrangements. Yolanda confirmed that they had a prenuptial agreement. Despite how things turned out, she has no regrets about their prenup. She emphasized, “I married for love, not for money.”

Yolanda added that she and David still talk from time to time. She recently caught up with him and shared, “She and I are really good,” showing they are on friendly terms after their divorce.

Yolanda Hadid and David Foster Divorce Details

Yolanda Hadid and David Foster Divorce Details

If you look at Yolanda’s old interviews, you will see that she described David as her life partner and best friend. After the divorce, she said in an interview that she felt a deep loss when their relationship ended. Yolanda Hadid said: “David was my life partner, my best friend. And now I miss my best friend.”

How did David Frost tell Yolanda About the Divorce?

According to The List, David Frost initiated the divorce. Yolanda In her 2017 memoir said they watched a Lakers game and The next morning, David unexpectedly told her over the phone that he couldn’t continue their relationship.

She then said David returned home only to collect some clothes. Soon after, Yolanda received a letter from his lawyer about their legal separation.

Yolanda and David Foster Divorce Settlement

When Yolanda and David got married, they signed a prenuptial agreement. This is like a plan made before marrying that explains how money and property will be handled if the marriage ends. In their case, this agreement was very strict, or “ironclad,” as some people say. 

That’s why Yolanda Hadid didn’t get money after the divorce. 

Now, you might wonder, was Yolanda left with nothing after the divorce? Well, not exactly. Before she married David, Yolanda had been very successful as a model. In fact, she had made a “good” amount of money from her career.

Plus, she had been married to a man named Mohamed Hadid before. When they divorced, she received a lot of money and some nice things like fancy cars and houses.

So, even after her divorce from David, Yolanda is doing okay financially.

The Public Reaction to Yolanda and David Frost’s Divorce

The public was surprised and saddened by Yolanda and David Foster’s divorce. Fans had admired their partnership.

Initial Shock and Surprise

When news of Yolanda and David’s divorce hit the headlines, it caught many people off guard. Fans of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and followers of David Foster’s music career were especially stunned. They seemed like a great match, especially on television. They appeared loving and supportive of each other.

Media Coverage and Speculation

The media was quick to cover the divorce. There was lots of speculation about what could have gone wrong. Newspapers, online articles, and TV shows discussed their marriage and possible reasons for the split.

Support from Fans and Community

Despite the surprise and gossip, many fans showed support for both Yolanda and David. Social media saw messages wishing them well. People respected their decision and expressed hope that both would find peace.

This public reaction shows how much people cared about Yolanda and David. Even though the divorce was private, it had a public impact.

Danielle Eilers knows all too well the pressures of divorcing in the public eye, just like Yolanda. Dive deeper into her story with Danielle Eilers Divorce: The Emotional Journey.

David Frost New Marriage: Everything to Know

David Foster married Katharine McPhee on June 28, 2019. Their wedding was a beautiful event in London, full of love and happiness. Katharine wore a stunning blue dress, and around 100 friends and family members came to celebrate with them.

A New Beginning

David and Katharine’s love story began in May 2017, and they got engaged in July 2018 during a lovely vacation in Europe. They had known each other for a while before, but things turned romantic in 2017. 

The couple has a special connection, and they both talk about how important it is to support each other.

The Importance of Compromise

In any relationship, compromising is really important. David and Katharine often share how they make decisions together and help each other out.

In 2021, they welcomed their son, Rennie. They now talk about how being parents makes them more complete.

Divorce can sometimes lead to new chapters in life, as it did for Doug Weiss. For an inspiring look at how he found happiness again, read: Doug Weiss: A Surprising New Chapter After Divorce.

What Is Yolanda Doing After Getting Divorce From David Foster?

After her divorce from David Foster, Yolanda Hadid has been very busy! She’s focused on her health, family, and projects. Moreover, Yolanda Hadid even started dating after the divorce from David Frost.

Here’s a table summarizing Yolanda Hadid’s relationships:

Relationship TypeNameDetails
First HusbandMohamed HadidMarried from 1994 to 2000.
Second HusbandDavid FosterMarried from 2011 to 2017.
Romantic AssociationJoseph JingoliYolanda has been dating Joseph Jingoli, a construction and development company CEO. The relationship has been public since around 2019.

Focusing on Health

First things first, Yolanda has been working hard on her health. If you remember, she has Lyme disease, which is a tough illness that makes you feel really tired and sore. She’s been taking this seriously and trying her best to get better.

Staying Close to Family

Yolanda is also spending a lot of time with her family, especially her kids, Gigi, Bella, and Anwar, who are all grown up and doing great things in the world of fashion. Like any mom, she’s super proud of them and loves supporting them.

New Projects and Advocacy

In addition to taking care of herself and hanging out with her family, Yolanda has started working on new projects. In fact, Yolanda Hadid’s net worth is around 45 million dollars.

She’s also very passionate about helping others who have Lyme disease, just like her. She wants to make a difference and help find a way to cure this illness.

Yolanda is also exploring other interests, like writing and getting involved in charities. She’s written a book about her battle with Lyme disease. She is now sharing her story to help others feel less alone and more hopeful.


Yolanda and David Foster’s divorce wasn’t just simple gossip. It was about real issues:

  • Yolanda’s Health: Her struggle with Lyme disease was really tough on both of them.
  • Career and Lifestyle: David didn’t like the reality TV drama, and they both wanted different things in life.
  • Money Matters: They kept their money separate, which showed they had different views on finances, too.

Behind their smiles, they faced challenges just like anyone else. But the good thing is – both Yolanda and David are doing great today.

Yolanda and David Frost aren’t the only celebrities whose marriages have ended. Ben Baller has also gone through a similar situation. Read: Ben Baller’s Divorce: The Dramatic Story.

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