steven crowder divorce

Steven Crowder Divorce Update: Shocking Details

Steven Crowder divorce is a topic of gossip in the media. He announced in 2023 that his wife, Hilary, was ending their marriage. He looked frustrated and people started speculating on what happened. Over time, a video was released and Steven made some controversial comments that stunned everyone.

Keep reading to know how Steven Crowder broke the news, which allegations he is facing, and what’s Hilary’s side of the story.

Steven Crowder Divorce: Details To Know

Steven Crowder, a well-known conservative commentator, announced his divorce from Hilary Crowder in early 2023. The couple had been married for almost ten years and had two young children, so the news was a shock for everyone. The proceedings are not pleasant and the controversy keeps on growing.

How Did the Steven Crowder Divorce News Come Out?

In April 2023, Steven Crowder posted a video on his YouTube channel, “Louder with Crowder,” where he talked about his separation. He said that Hilary had filed for divorce in 2021. He seemed very upset and mentioned that the divorce was not his choice.

In the video, Steven Crowder also expressed his frustration with Texas’s no-fault divorce laws. They allow one partner to end the marriage without proving any wrongdoing by the other partner.

He said it’s unfair for a husband when he doesn’t do anything and the wife takes half of his property after filing for a divorce.

He insists that there was no abuse or infidelity. In fact, he blames the divorce on Hilary’s decision to leave.

The Leaked Video

Shortly after Steven’s announcement, journalist Yashar Ali released a video that added more drama to the situation. The video was recorded by a Ring camera in June 2021. In the footage, Steven was seen arguing with Hilary.

According to Yashar Ali, Hilary was eight months pregnant at the time. Steven was seen telling her that she needed to “respect men” and perform her “wifely duties.” He also banned her from using their car (which sparked more arguments between them).

Hilary’s Side of the Story

After the video leak, Hilary’s family claimed that Hilary had been hiding Steven’s abusive behavior for years to protect their marriage and their children. They also said that she had been trying to work on their relationship, but it became too much for her to handle.

The family also claimed that Steven was emotionally and mentally abusive. They said she spent years hiding this behavior from friends and family.

The split between Steven and Hilary is raising concerns about their young twins. They were born in August 2021 and are now in the middle of a legal battle. Experts are mentioning that this will impact them as they grow.

Note that the fight over full custody is getting heated. Both Steven and Hilary are accusing each other of being unfit to be the primary caregiver.

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Steven Crowder Divorce Reasons: What Has He Told Us?

Steven Crowder’s divorce from Hilary Crowder happened because of many problems, like claims of emotional and mental abuse. Hilary’s family has also accused Steven of controlling behavior. Furthermore, sources are reporting that there were big fights over money and family roles.

Let’s see details.

Emotional and Mental Abuse

Hilary and her family say Steven was emotionally and mentally abusive during their marriage. They said he treated her badly, especially when she was pregnant. A video showed Steven yelling at Hilary, which made things even worse.

The media then reported that this constant stress and harsh treatment were too much for their relationship to handle.

Controlling Behavior

Steven Crowder’s controlling behavior was another big reason behind his divorce. Hilary’s family claimed he tried to control what she did and how she lived. The leaked video showed Steven telling Hilary she couldn’t use the car.

In my opinion, this kind of behavior made it hard for them to trust and communicate with each other.

Fights Over Money and Family Roles

Money and family roles were also sources of conflict. Steven often talked about traditional family roles, but his actions didn’t match his words. He expected Hilary to follow strict rules, which led to arguments.

Furthermore, Hilary said Steven often had angry outbursts and even punched holes in walls. She testified that he wasn’t present during important moments, like her IVF treatments and the birth of their twins. 

These constant fights about money and what each person should do in the family made things harsh.

Steven Crowder Divorce Update: Proceedings and Custody Battle

Steven Crowder Divorce Update: Proceedings and Custody Battle

Steven Crowder’s divorce proceedings with his wife Hilary have been messy and public. The court has seen lots of drama, with both sides fighting hard.

The Start of the Divorce

Hilary Crowder filed for divorce in 2021, even though Steven did not want it. He complained about Texas laws that allow one partner to end the marriage without the other’s consent. He often talked about how he did not agree with these no-fault divorce laws.

Courtroom Drama

The courtroom has been full of intense moments when Steven and Hilary are in it. Both legal teams have argued a lot. At one point, the court reporter had to tell them to stop talking over each other.

Steven’s team asked to keep the proceedings private to protect their young twins, but the judge said the public has a right to know.

Steven’s Custody Demands

Steven asked for full custody of their twins, Magnus and Charlotte. He claimed that Hilary showed “erratic behavior.” He said she didn’t tell him when their home address was leaked online. Steven also accused Hilary’s family of leaking a video of him yelling at her while she was pregnant.

Hilary’s lawyer argued that Steven’s demands for full custody were just a way to scare her.

Judge’s Decision

The judge decided not to change the custody arrangement at that time. She said there was too much back-and-forth and not enough solid evidence to support Steven’s claims. The judge also pointed out that there were many motions, making the case even more complicated.

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What are Steven Crowder’s own Views on Divorce?

steven crowder on divorce

Steven Crowder has strong opinions about divorce, especially no-fault divorce laws. These laws let one spouse end the marriage without proving the other did something wrong. Crowder doesn’t like this at all.

Criticizing No-Fault Divorce

Crowder often talks about how no-fault divorce laws are unfair. He thinks these laws make it too easy for someone to leave a marriage without trying to fix problems.

He has said that no-fault divorce can make people give up on their marriages too quickly.

His own divorce has made him even more vocal about this issue. Crowder has shared his frustration that his wife, Hilary, could file for divorce without his agreement. This personal experience makes him feel that the laws need to change.

He argues that it should be harder for one person to end a marriage without any serious reason.

Belief in Traditional Marriage

On his show, “Louder with Crowder,” he often talks about his views on divorce. Crowder strongly believes in traditional marriage values. He thinks marriage should be a forever commitment and that couples should work through their problems. This belief comes from his conservative Christian values.

People’s Reaction to Steven Crowder’s Divorce

The reactions to Steven Crowder’s divorce have been mixed. Some people sympathize with him, while others criticize his behavior and views on marriage. Many have commented on the viral video and expressed shock and anger.

Sympathy and Support

Some people feel sorry for Crowder and think he is going through a tough time. They believe the stress of his divorce is affecting him deeply.

For instance, James from Texas commented, “I can’t imagine going through such a public and painful divorce. Stay strong, Steven.”

Criticism and Condemnation

On the other hand, many people criticize Crowder for his actions and words. They think his behavior towards his wife is wrong and unacceptable.

Sarah from Miami said, “It’s surprising how he treated his wife, especially when she was pregnant. Unfair.”

Debate Over No-Fault Divorce

Crowder’s strong stance against no-fault divorce laws has sparked a lot of debate. Some agree with him, thinking these laws make it too easy to end marriages.

Mike from Florida shared, “I get where Steven is coming from. Marriage should be a serious commitment, not something you can just walk away from.”

Others, however, think no-fault divorce laws are necessary to protect people from being trapped in unhappy or abusive marriages.

Lisa from New York commented, “No one should be forced to stay in a marriage that makes them miserable. Everyone deserves to be happy.”

Public Outcry Over Viral Video

The video of Crowder arguing with his wife has caused a big public outcry. Many people are shocked and angry about his behavior.

Karen from Ohio said, “Seeing that video made me really upset. No one should talk to their spouse like that, especially not when they are pregnant.”

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Impact of Divorce on Steven Crowders’ Personal Life and Career

Steven Crowder’s divorce has had a big impact on his personal life and career. The custody battle over their twins has added even more stress. Steven is fighting for full custody, which means more legal fees and public scrutiny.

Steven Crowder has been very open about his feelings. He mentioned feeling like he had a “boot on his neck” since 2021, which shows how much stress he’s been under. His public image has definitely changed, too.

The leaked video of him led to a lot of backlash. Many people now see him differently, which is why his career is also affected. 

According to sources, companies and platforms chose not to work with him because of the negative publicity.

Is Steven Crowder Married Again?

No, Steven Crowder has not remarried or dated anyone again. After his divorce from Hilary Crowder in 2021, he has been focusing on his personal life and career. He hasn’t remarried or announced any new relationships.

He talks about his divorce and personal struggles often, but there hasn’t been any news of him tying the knot again.

What is Hilary Crowder Doing After the Divorce?

Since the divorce, Hilary Crowder has kept a low profile. She continues her work as an interior decorator. Most of her focus has been on raising her twins, Magnus and Charlotte. She now prefers to stay out of the spotlight and concentrate on her personal and family life.

Who is Steven Crowder?

Full NameSteven Blake Crowder
Date of BirthJuly 7, 1987
Age36 years old
OccupationPolitical commentator, media host, comedian
Net WorthEstimated around $4 million
Known For“Louder with Crowder” podcast, “Change My Mind”
YouTube ChannelStevenCrowder
SubscribersOver 5.9 million (as of 2023)
EducationAttended Champlain College (did not complete)
FamilyOne older brother named Jordan
ChildrenTwins (a son and a daughter) born in 2021

Steven Crowder was born on July 7, 1987, in Detroit, Michigan. He is now 36 years old (as of 2024). Crowder is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada, as his mother is French-Canadian.

His family moved to Quebec, Canada when he was three years old, and he spent most of his childhood there.

Crowder attended Centennial Regional High School in Longueuil, Quebec. At 18, he moved back to the United States and attended Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, for two semesters.


Crowder started his career as a voice actor at age 12, voicing the character Alan “The Brain” Powers on the children’s show “Arthur.” He began performing stand-up comedy at 17 and appeared in several films, including “To Save a Life” in 2009.

From 2009 to 2012, he worked for Fox News and posted satirical videos on conservative media platforms.

In 2013, Crowder launched his own show, “Louder with Crowder.” It became widely popular for its comedic and political commentary. The show features the segment “Change My Mind,” where Crowder invites people to debate him on controversial topics.

Net Worth

Steven Crowder’s net worth is estimated to be around $4 million. His income comes from his YouTube channel, podcast, and various other media ventures.

Personal Life

Crowder married Hilary Korzon in August 2012. They have twins, a son and a daughter, born in 2021. The couple announced their divorce in 2021. Steven often shares his views on marriage and divorce on his show and social media.

Crowder has also faced multiple controversies, which I’m now discussing.

What Controversies and Violations Has Steven Crowder Faced?

Steven Crowder has been involved in several controversies over the years. These include:

  • An altercation at a 2012 protest
  • The use of offensive language
  • Multiple demonetizations on YouTube
  • Legal battles with major platforms
  • Accusations of harassment.

He also had a very public dispute with The Daily Wire and its figures like Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens.

2012 Protest

In December 2012, Steven Crowder got into a scuffle during a union protest in Michigan. He was punched by a union member. The member claimed self-defense after being pushed. Crowder released a video of the incident, but it was edited.

The full video showed the union member being pushed to the ground before retaliating. No charges were pressed as the prosecutor saw it as self-defense.

Use of Racist and Homophobic Slurs

Crowder has faced backlash for using offensive language. In 2019, he repeatedly used racist and homophobic slurs against Vox journalist Carlos Maza. Crowder defended his comments as jokes, but many found them hurtful and inappropriate.

YouTube Demonetization History

Crowder’s YouTube channel has been demonetized several times. The first demonetization was in 2019 due to his offensive comments. YouTube later re-monetized his channel but demonetized it again in March 2021 for spreading false claims about the 2020 election.

His channel was suspended again in October 2022 for violating YouTube’s policies on harassment and bullying.

Legal Actions Against Platforms

Steven Crowder has taken legal action against platforms like Facebook and YouTube. In 2021, he sued Facebook, claiming that the platform unfairly censored his content.

He has also threatened legal action against YouTube. He alleges that its policies unfairly target conservative voices like his.

Accusations of Harassment and Threats

Crowder has been accused of harassment and making threats on several occasions. Besides the incident with Carlos Maza, Crowder has been criticized for his aggressive behavior towards others.

In 2022, YouTube suspended his channel for violating its policies on harassment and threats.

Steven Crowder has also been accused of inappropriate behavior by former employees. They claim he exposed himself to them at work. This was seen as an attempt to dominate. He also reportedly created a very stressful workplace by often yelling and setting unrealistic goals.

Matt Landau, a former co-host of Crowder’s, shared details about the difficulties he faced while working with him. Landau is currently employed at The Blaze.

Landau shared that Crowder kept a “Dave don’t talk” button in the studio. This button was meant to ensure that Crowder always had the final say in any discussion.

Landau explained how this made him feel marginalized. He further said that Crowder was actively censoring his own team.

That’s not it.

According to the New York Post, ten former employees said Steven Crowder often yelled at staff. They also claimed he exposed himself and gave strange orders, like making them do his laundry.

Conflict Between Steven Crowder and The Daily Wire

In January 2023, Crowder revealed that The Daily Wire offered him a contract. He criticized the terms, saying they would reduce his payment if he was demonetized or removed from platforms.

Crowder argued that this showed right-wing media’s failure to stand up to Big Tech censorship. The contract was reportedly worth $50 million over four years. However, Crowder referred to it as a “slave contract.”

Shapiro and Owens from the Daily Wire defended their actions. They said Crowder was wrong about the contract details.

This disagreement showed splits within conservative media and attracted lots of online attention.

Final Words

Steven Crowder’s divorce is in the media because of all the accusations and allegations. Here’s the recap:

  • Steven Crowder publicly announced his divorce from Hilary in 2023.
  • During the divorce, there were claims of emotional abuse by Hilary.
  • Crowder explained the divorce by saying his wife no longer wanted to be married and blamed the flexible divorce laws in Texas.
  • This divorce battle has sparked significant public interest.

Keep visiting Divorce Matters Online for updates!

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